It Really Sucks To Move

It should be cheaper to move.

We live in uncertain times, and younger people are moving more than ever, and an average American moves 11.4 times in their life. Mobility is associated with positive connotations, but wealthier people tend to move less. But often moving is expensive, a time sink, and confusing on where to find the best deal. I once asked for a quote on how much it would be to have some movers, and the next week was filled with hourly phone calls of people telling me it would only be $800.

This doesn’t even include gas, the security deposit for the new place you are moving to, and any other of a variety of fees. Most furniture isn’t built with the thought of moving it in mind, yet with so many people moving so often, and disproportionately not wealthy, there is a real opening for inexpensive furniture that folds into each other. But the economy that has been propped up instead are cheap couches on Facebook Marketplace/Goodwill for around $20, while most new couches are $500.

The moving economy in general is a weird place, with weird websites that seem like scams, and unknown companies with unknown prices and 4 reviews that mostly seem fake. In a perfect world it would be a professional environment with easy to find knowledge for consumers since it is such a commonality among people.

After all this, I’ll be once again loading up a small car, with all the cabinets and clothes I can stuff, and moving without the help of professionals again, likely to a place I have never been to.


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