I really enjoy lefty optimistic campaigning, this is something Charles Booker really did well in 2020 and Bernie did in 2016. It’s a brand that is able to reach across the aisle and take Republican votes. Which leads me to my next point, there’s not a good name for it, so I’m going to propose lefty poptimism checks ear oh my non existent editor is telling me poptimism is already taken? And there’s already a bunch of thinkpieces about it? And it was a hellish discourse about pop music? sure yeah we will find another one.

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People always have this fear of people moving for economical reasons or tax reasons or whatever. I am very skeptical of anybody moving for these reasons. I think the NBA and MLB are good case studies for what goes into people moving to a different state. Nobody is talking about Taxes, like it’s not even mentioned. Before you move somewhere, you need to get hired there, or else you will be homeless. And then you need to fit in the company and make sure you get a pay increase. And also, moving sucks on everyone! It’s the worst! And expensive! And hell! And that’s not even mentioning friends, family, favorite restaurants. Moving is such a huge externality it’s almost never a positive to move unless you’re young and have social mobility.


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This protest against cars is a great illustration of why cars are awful and inefficient. It is really insane, that cars, control so much of our design in society. They are so ugly. They take up so much space, and for what, 2 people to go to drive 20 miles. They completely sink in value once you take it off the lot, they’re a drag on our whole society besides car dealerships. It’s completely inefficient for everyone to have their own personal car, when 80% of the time, they sit in parking lots, driveways, or garages.

Cars are not meant to go the standard 15-20 mph it’s required to navigate through downtown cities. If only, there were other types of vehicles that were meant to go about that speed, that take up less space, and kill a lot less people.

(Golf Carts, Scooters, Bikes, fucking Segways!) Almost every vehicle that isn’t a car would be amazing for downtown areas. But we decided to completely give away all the area to cars. It’s really amazing how city designers and planners chose the worst absolute decision throughout the 20th century. And now we have to completely rip everything up, convince people that the thing they spent $10,000 on is ruining cities and that they should be 5% inconvenienced so you can actually enjoy the city better.

It is wild how disproportionately a certain segment of our population commits crimes, and nobody talks about it, because they kind of control every lever of government and power structure. And that segment is Men. Men, commit, so many horrific crimes, everywhere they go, it’s a mass shooting every day with men. Radical Men Terror is ruining this country, and has been for a long time. Men commit the big crimes, the small crimes, the petty crimes, the official crimes, they commit almost all crime!

Links to things I liked:

HBomber Vaccine video. It is a super long and in depth video but here’s a somewhat quick summary: Lawyer for a 30 person group who blamed vaccines for autism (was about the worldwide number that blamed vaccines for autism at the time) so the lawyer paid a doctor to forge results. But there aren’t even results, it’s based on hearsay, which was then also changed by the doctor if it didn’t fit his narrative. He created a fake bowel disease as well during the study, and it was all done so a.) the Lawyer could sue the Government and b.) That the doctor could create an alternate vaccine that he patented and could sell and make money.

The study also never even claims there is a connection because the sample size was 12 kids (most of them from this small fringe group (WHICH NOT EVEN ALL OF THEM WERE DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM)).

This Drew Gooden video about SNL is really good at describing why the hate on SNL has gotten so loud recently, the struggles it is going through, why people like it, and the forgotten bad skits: Link

Pete Davidson is the most relaxed person I’ve seen (probably high) but I appreciate that his jokes never punch down.

John Oliver has had some bangers recently. I really liked this video about how bad some local news shows have gotten and promote absolute bullshit.

NBA Analysis from Per Thirty Six that I love.

I’m going to try to learn D3.js because all of my favorite visualizations are from there, and it’s time to accept that I should learn it.


Virtual Rom Com Wall


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